Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Scenario: Video Project in my Classroom

Video Project Lesson

Content Area- Artists and style periods
Project- Students will create a short video with group members to re-enact the life of an artist from a particular art period. Students will have to research the lifestyle, culture, and politics during that time and also research the artist they are trying to portray. A research paper will be required from each student along with the video.
Age- 10th-12th grade


  1.  Students will be assigned groups to work with
  2. Students will have to borrow cameras from the media classroom and learn how to use the camera
  3. Use 2 class periods to inform students how to use moviemaker
  4. Have students get a storyline ready on the worksheet provided
  5. Students should draw out scenes and write what will occur in each scene. Students should also include the dialogue and props on the worksheet.
  6. Have students go to the library for one class and research their artist and the art period in which they were in.
  7. Once Teacher has approved the storyline and has seen that students can appropriately handle camera have students look up video shooting tips
  8. Students should then be able to begin shooting on school location during class time
  9. Students may also shoot out of class time, but will have to check out the camera from the teacher
  10. Students will be given a week and a half to finish shooting.
  11. Once all groups have completed they will then begin the process on moviemaker
  12. After all editing is done during class time students will then hand in their research papers
  13. All students will then watch every group's video and give feedback and comments
  • having enough time for students to learn moviemaker
  • responsibilities of cameras
  • not many locations that can be used appropriately for filming
  • some group members not getting a long
I think overall this video project would be very successful because its something fun and students can be very creative with their artists that each group has chosen, since they will be older highschool students not as many challenges should be present.

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